Truth in Song
I wrote the song COVID as fun advocacy to encourage people to keep up with their hygiene and, if privileged enough, to use this time as an opportunity for growth. Most importantly, I wrote it to bring awareness about the broader issues that COVID-19 is illuminating. In many regards, it’s the failure of governments. I was frustrated that an international airport near my city had not yet made any restrictions. The safety of our citizens, of the homeless population, of our underfunded hospitals, was at risk. I thought about all the marginalized international communities that can not afford overpriced masks and the selfishness of people that hoarded essential supplies. My family was struggling to find toilet paper and water, we were concerned about our health. I saw people still walking around as if nothing was occurring, it felt like no one was taking this seriously. I was disheartened at this lack of responsibility.
The roots of the virus resulted from the illegal trade and consumption of foreign animals in poor working-class families in China, that had no other option. It’s ridiculous to me that famine is still prevalent in a world that can spend billions on military development. Our priorities are out of line. I channeled it all into a song. I believe music and art serve a vital duty to uplift our humanity’s consciousness.
As artists, it’s our task to speak the truth that is unheard or unspoken.
With the help of my friend Umar Farooq, who mastered the song, I was able to edit my lyrics and melodies until I felt it was ready to publish.
Photo by Joseph Taylor
The story behind the song