Staying Sane
I was on campus, having just finished taking graduation pictures and grabbing lunch with friends, when I read the email that classes would cease in-person meetings for at least two weeks, starting immediately after our spring break vacation. Texts came rolling in about the news, as my friends told me they’d see me soon. None of us really understood just how quickly everyone’s worlds would change.
Two weeks has turned into almost two months now and as many other people, I’ve been unable to work during this time. It’s been quite the adjustment, to say the least, transitioning from busy days packed with classes and shifts at work to spending all of my time at home.
Of course, I’m hoping for a safe return to some form of normalcy as soon as possible, but I’m also anxious and uncertain about what life will even look like by then. Post-graduate life can already seem daunting when the entire world isn’t in the midst of a global pandemic.
There are days where I feel unmotivated and particularly on-edge, and sometimes have to force myself to practice any form of self-care, if at all. But, for the days when I am feeling up for it, these are some activities that have been keeping me sane during all of this:
Reading a book. As a kid, I used to immerse myself in the lives of fictional characters and universes. I can’t remember exactly when I stopped reading fiction books for my own pleasure, but recently I’ve found the love for it all over again. It’s been a great way to distract my mind from what’s happening in the real world.
Getting some form of exercise. Yoga has kept my body agile when it can easily become stiff from sitting in bed or at a desk for most of the day. However, my favorite form of exercise has been dancing. Putting on some headphones and jamming to my playlist of choice gets me moving and it’s fun.
Baking. I’ve been really enjoying figuring out different recipes while making use of ingredients I already have at home. I’m definitely one of those people who has made at least two batches of chocolate chip banana muffins.
Listening to music. I’ve been discovering new artists and rediscovering my favorite albums from when I was younger. Whether I’ve been singing along, looking up the meaning to lyrics or just enjoying the melodies, listening to music has proven to be a surefire way to lift my spirits.
Painting. There is something therapeutic about putting on a soothing playlist or following along to one of Bob Ross’ The Joy of Painting episodes and blending colors onto a canvas.
Lastly, playing Nintendo’s Animal Crossing: New Horizons video game. Who would have thought building your own virtual town on a deserted island could be so addicting.
It’s a really weird time in the world, so I try not to be too hard on myself for not being productive all the time. I remind myself that eventually this will end, but for now, day-by-day is how I’m living.
My grandpa, playing the bongos. Although he spends most of his time either reading or playing an online game of pool.