If you choose to see it
Most people view death as a harsh, horrible thing, but I think it is something that can be beautiful. When someone dies and there is a nice day, you think it is them smiling down on you, or you remember a conversation with them and you smile at the memory. Death is beauty.
During the pandemic we saw many deaths, either from COVID-19 or from natural causes. But it all hit a bit harder because of the pandemic; it felt like an earthquake, bodies falling on us. I experienced this and I felt the horror most people felt.
Dan Drew was an amazing man. He was a talented actor, an ambitious teacher, and a kind person. When all is said and done, knowing someone lived a kind life makes their death hurt a bit less. Yes, there was the harsh reality that I would no longer be taught by a man as hilariously sarcastic as Dan, but then came the beauty. An idea of how to keep Dan alive in me after it all.
I created Liv’s Acting Venue as an ode to Dan and all his ideas. Teaching kids was new to me, but something I wanted to do more than anything. Something I didn't have the strength or belief in myself to do until after Dan’s passing. Strange how he could push me even after he was gone. Dan brought out my inner child, running through the theater breathless and laughing, trying to enunciate “unique New York” with barely a breath left in me. I took this to my students and they loved it. I was happier than ever. Here they were, smiling and laughing as they ran around their own rooms, and I could feel him, I could feel his ideas and teachings with them. And so I kept going and going and now I am able to keep his theatrical teachings alive, presenting them to children no more than nine years old.
Yes, death is harsh, but it is almost always beautiful if you choose to see it.
Student performing a monologue learned using Dan’s method
Practicing a tongue twister: Unique New York