Humble Beginnings
I was raised by two immigrants in a quiet neighborhood in Newark, New Jersey, called Ivy Hill. My mom is from Trinidad and my step-dad is from Jamaica. We are a blended family. Growing up, I faced adversity. At times things were financially difficult for my family, but my parents always worked hard to make sure my siblings and I were taken care of. For the most part, my neighborhood was quiet. The only crimes I could remember were car thefts. Nothing too serious. Then one day tragedy shook the entire city.
In the summer of 2007, when I was 9 years old, four friends (ages 18-20) were viciously gunned down by some MS13 gang members on the playground of the Mt. Vernon School, my elementary school. Three out of the four were killed execution-style, leaving one in critical condition. One of the victims was my summer camp counselor, Terrance Aerial. To us, he was Mr. TJ. I remember evenings when he’d wait with my brother and me until dad came to pick us up from camp. That was the first time in my life I experienced someone that I knew personally get murdered. Unfortunately, this was the norm in Newark. Because I was so young it’s hard for me to remember the exact details, but I do remember them rebuilding the playground. Surveys went out to every class, asking students “what would you like to have on your new playground?” Kids asked for a roller coaster, a movie theater, and all kinds of funny, impossible things. Although we didn’t get everything we wanted, the end product was beautiful. The park across the street from the school, Ivy Hill Park, also got a complete makeover and that school year I started to play Pop-Warner Youth football for our community team, the Ivy Hill Cowboys in that park. I took my graduation pictures in Ivy Hill park because I wanted to reflect on how a kid from Newark who faced adversity and experienced gun violence, still turned out to be something. I don’t care what people say, good things come out of Newark.
Remembering Terrance Aeriel
One day I’m going to release music that will bless people. One day I’m going to give back to my community and my city. I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to be a product of your environment. Whoever is reading this, I’m here to say that Christ made me who I am today. God loves you and has a plan and purpose for your life, no matter what your past looks like. Always put God first and great things will happen.
Being a first-generation college student, graduating debt-free, is a blessing. I’m a twin and my brother and I are both graduating. College was fun! When they say “time flies” it really does. Many people know me as the funny guy @twinjj on social, but I’m also a Cooperman College Scholar, an Honors Living-Learning Community Scholar, a study abroad alumnus, and I have a B.S. in Finance.
Giving back to my community